
虽然出国留学是一种特权,但我们相信每个学生都应该拥有 opportunity to participate in a learning experience abroad and that the experience 值得付出代价吗?. While we’ve created this page to help you understand the costs 以及资助出国留学的机会,我们的办公室和财政援助办公室 are happy to meet with you to answer any questions.  


We’ve tried to make it clear on the program-specific pages what all is covered by 作为服务的项目费用因项目而异.  请仔细检查并感受一下 free to reach out and ask us additional questions about what is and isn’t covered.

For most semester-long programs students will be charged a program fee 除了 到他们定期的十大赌博登录官网课. 有一些项目只支付项目费用,而十大赌博登录官网的学费是 waived - again, we’ve tried to make it clear on the program-specific page if this is the case, but if there are any questions about this please let us know. 

对于所有学期的课程,学生将不会被收取十大赌博正规平台在线的住房 费用(取决于住宿,大约2500 - 4000美元)或十大赌博正规平台在线的餐费 fees (depending on plan, roughly $300 - $3,300) for the semester they are abroad. 

我们也有一个预算工作表 你可以用它来帮助你考虑各种资金来源以及估算 the potential expenses of participating in a 留学项目.


AwardSpring is 十大赌博正规平台在线's online database and application for scholarships 是私人资助的. Our office works closely with the 金融援助 办公室,以确保他们知道谁是参加出国留学计划和 so can apply relevant study abroad specific scholarships. 此外,还有 a number of other scholarships that could be applied towards tuition. 制定一些 奖学金(如音乐表演或体育)要求积极参与 -向 财政援助办事处 看看出国留学是否会影响你获得奖学金的资格,或者你是否 关于奖学金还有其他问题吗. 


  • May Beth O'Neil Weber '76 Memorial Scholarship
    目的及准则: This is a restricted fund that will be awarded to a student who has been accepted into the Ireland Study 走了 program and demonstrates financial need.
  • Fitzgerald Scholarship for the Ireland Studies Program
    目的及准则: 参加计划的全日制初高中学生可获资助 参加爱尔兰研究项目. 要符合资格,申请人 must be full-time undergraduate 国际市场营销、经济学或工商管理专业的学生 最小值是3.0的绩点.
    年度奖励金额:约500 - 2500美元
  • 格特鲁德·霍根爱尔兰校友奖学金
    目的及准则: 格特鲁德·霍根是爱尔兰文学老师,她创立了爱尔兰研究 1972年的海外项目. Eligibility is depicted with the following preferences: 
    1. First preference will be given to Irish citizens from the Connemara region and the 克利夫登社区学校. 这些 students will be eligible for a tuition waiver from 十大赌博正规平台在线除了这个奖学金每年提供的奖励. 奖学金获得者必须保持3.0的绩点. 
    2. Second preference will be given to Irish citizens studying at 十大赌博正规平台在线. 这些 学生将有资格获得该奖学金提供的年度奖励. 奖学金获得者必须保持3.0的绩点. 
    3. 第三优先将给予参加爱尔兰的十大赌博正规平台在线的学生 留学项目. 这些 students will be eligible for the annual award provided 通过这个奖学金. 奖学金获得者必须保持3.0的绩点.

      年度奖励金额:约. $6,000
  • Dr. 哈利和夫人. Sheila Knopke Scholarship for International Study
    目的及准则: To support the academic, social and personal growth of full-time students in good 有学术地位的人希望参加十大赌博正规平台在线的一门外语 and cultural immersion programs conducted in another country. 要符合资格,申请人 必须是全日制本科学生,成绩良好,累积GPA为 至少2个.5 who are developing competency in a language other than English and who 希望通过参加学分授予来扩大个人和学术视野 由另一个国家的十大赌博正规平台在线提供的语言和文化沉浸课程. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need.
    年度奖励金额:约1,000 - 3,000美元


除了内部的十大赌博正规平台在线奖学金,学生可以申请奖学金 from outside sources to help cover their costs. 

  • 具体合作项目

Some of our partners offer flight vouchers and program cost discounts if you apply by a certain time and some offer other scholarships or funding opportunities. 检查 the program page or links below for more information.

  • USAC (德国内堡学期):一旦你申请,你就可以进入“USAC” Student Gateway Account” where you can apply for all their scholarships.
  • 东航卡帕
  • 东航 (阿根廷):如果您在特定截止日期前申请,则提供航班积分,额外的“机会” “补助金”也是可用的
  • 卡帕 (短期,教师主导的项目):把你的注意力集中在“基于需求的奖学金”上, “Diversity Advocate Grant” and “Blogger and Vlogger Grant.申请截止日期 depend on program date and typically are due a few months before leaving.
  • 吉尔曼奖学金
    For Federal Pell Grant eligible students, this scholarship award amounts based on the student's recommendation group in the selection process, their financial need 以及节目长度. 可以奖励高达$5,000. 典型的2个申请周期:8月 - October for programs starting in the coming Winter term, Spring semester, Summer 学期,秋季学期或学年. January - March for programs starting the coming Summer term, Fall semester, Academic Year or Spring Semester.
  • 海外教育基金 (有限元分析)
    完成一份申请后,您将被考虑各种奖学金.他们 考虑经济需求,人口因素,学术计划和准备 决定奖学金获得者. 应用周期 typically begins  mid-November.
  • 博伦奖
    仅适用于学习西班牙语前往阿根廷的学生,如果他们被注册 在STEM项目中,已经达到中级或高级水平的熟练程度. Verification of level will be made through testing. 
  • Economic Club Business 出国留学 Scholarship (through the 大急流城社区基金会)
    授予全日制本科或研究生二年级或以上学生 通过公立或私立学校出国留学的攻读商科学位的学生 学院或大学. Must be a resident of Kent, Allegan, Ottawa, or Muskegon County (至少3年)或在西密歇根州的学院/大学的常驻学生 area (2 year minimum) with financial need and a minimum 3.0的绩点. 应用周期 通常是12月到2月.
  • Alliance Française de Grand Rapids Scholarship
    该联盟每年4月颁发奖学金给即将升学的大三或大四学生 student who has shown interest and proficiency in French language and Francophone 文化. 的 scholarship award stipulates that the monies should be used for a related 学业上的努力,所以学生通常会将这笔资金用于即将到来的出国留学 机会或者学费.  
  • Diverse International Women Of Color 出国留学 Scholarship
    500美元的奖学金,用于帮助学习成绩优异的有色人种女性 and in need of financial assistance to study abroad. 秋季学期奖励周期 programs typically open early June to mid-July. 春季学期课程的奖励周期 通常在10月初至11月中旬开放.
  • 护照门户网站
    Scholarship to cover passport application costs. 申请和奖励周期是典型的 十一月至一月. Once you apply, they’ll also send you additional scholarship opportunities.
  • 扩大边界
    Scholarship to cover passport application costs. 学生一定是在申请他们的 first US passport and apply for it within 2 months of receiving funds.
  • 托尔图加留学奖学金
    获奖者将获得1000美元,可用于学费、食宿费、书本费或其他费用 旅行和他们的一个旅行背包. Applications are open twice a year - typically 预定日期为11月中旬和4月中旬.
  • 海外大使
    该项目为在读学生或刚毕业的学生提供500美元的津贴 their experiences and motivate others to go abroad. 如果被选中,大使将会被任命 想要记录他们的经历并在Diversity Abroad的平台上分享,那就写一篇吧 每月发表一篇与国外教育和你的身份/地点/职业/专业相关的文章; 每周在社交媒体上分享你的经历,分享你的经历 在返回时. 
  • 凌:留学海外奖学金
    而学生出国留学的语言课程之一,强烈建议 考虑这个奖学金机会,任何在国外学习的人都可以申请并优先考虑 is given to those going to a non-English speaking country. 应用程序通常是 春季学期课程的截止日期是十月底,夏季课程的截止日期是三月底, and the end of June for fall semester programs.
  • 第一次
    Scholarship opportunity for first time travelers (first time traveling outside of 到阿根廷留学. 申请以滚动方式接受
    护照代金券:提供给有经济需要的学生 (虚拟)护照工作坊 
  • 旅行奖学金:永远的志愿者
    “永远的志愿者”每年两次为2名志愿者提供2个奖学金, 在国外实习、教学或工作. This scholarship is open to travelers embarking 对各种有意义的旅行:无论你想去哪里都可以使用 任何与你的旅行有关的费用,包括项目费用,机票,旅行保险, 等.

以下是更多出国留学的具体或一般奖学金机会 网站: 


考虑使用众筹平台,比如 FundMyTravel or GoFundMe 帮助你支付开支. Or host different fundraising events - maybe you make 吃一顿来自你将要学习的国家的食物的晚餐,举行一次糕饼义卖,或者主持 琐事之夜.  Get creative and consider different ways you can show appreciation 对于那些捐款的人——也许在你出国留学的时候给他们寄张明信片或带上 给他们一个小纪念品以示感谢.

考虑创建一个特殊的储蓄账户,开始把钱存起来,以帮助筹集资金 你的旅行. 奶奶给你寄钱作为生日礼物? 留一些在里面 专门账户. Look at your current spending habits - are there areas where you could cut back in order to save more for studying abroad?  也许你们可以分摊费用 of a streaming service with a friend or limit the number of times you go out each 周.

Find other ways to make money to help fund your study 国外的经验. 举办翻找活动 或者出售衣柜,找一些零工,比如修剪草坪或照看孩子,或者找一份兼职 工作或副业.

最后,还可以从联邦贷款项目中获得额外贷款 或者私人贷款机构. Just make sure you fully understand the terms of the loan and don’t borrow more than you’ll absolutely need. 的 财政援助办事处 是否有其他可用资源.