
Photo of a 西班牙语 Cathedral by Henrique Ferreira on UnsplashThe 西班牙语 Program at 十大赌博正规平台在线 promotes an understanding of and exchange with 美国境内外的西班牙文化. 我们的综合项目 of language learning incorporates all of the four language skills: listening, speaking, 阅读和写作. Students learn to use the 西班牙语 language in a communicative, 课堂内的互动环境.

The 西班牙语 Program offers a variety of upper-division courses for study in culture, linguistics, 笔译和口译, literature, and community involvement 通过服务学习.

这些课程旨在增进理解 of the richness of the human experience across times and cultures and integrate the Dominican charisms of study, 社区及服务. 




The 部门 of 世界语言 at 十大赌博正规平台在线 promotes an understanding of and exchange with other cultures both within and outside the United States. 我们的集成 程序 of language learning incorporates all of the four language skills: listening, 说,读,写. 学生学习在交际中使用语言, 课堂内的互动环境. 该部门还提供各种各样的课程 of courses for advanced study in culture, literature, applied language for the professions, 笔译和口译. 这些课程旨在增进理解 of the richness of the human experience across cultures; which prepares our students 对于研究生院和专业领域.

Student Learning 结果 (SLO's) in the 部门 of 世界语言 are aligned with national and state standards on language teaching, development of language skills, and cultural understanding as reflected in the Proficiency Guidelines by the American 外语教学协会.

  1. Students will work towards attaining an Intermediate High or higher proficiency level in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in the language studied according to recognized professional guidelines in the four language skills (ACTFL Standards)
  2. Students will learn to understand both oral and written communication from a variety 来源(i).e., academic lectures, literature, online sources, news broadcasts 等.)
  3. Students will learn how to communicate effectively in the target language in spoken and written form, expressing a wide variety of topics from personal information to more abstract views and perspectives related to literary, socio-historical, political, 文化主题.
  4. Students will work towards obtaining a broad base of knowledge and perspectives on French-, German-, and 西班牙语-speaking civilizations and their respective cultures – including literature, the arts, political, socio-historical, and economic structures, 等. -在不同的解释框架内.
  5. Students will learn how to understand aspects of language and culture in the world as part of human communication in wider interdisciplinary contexts.
  6. Students will develop skills in critical thinking and analysis, including (but not 仅限于文本分析.


十大赌博正规平台在线's Spain Program is located northwest of Madrid, in the city of Salamanca. Each fall semester 10-15 students participate in this intensive 西班牙语 cultural immersion 程序.



十大赌博正规平台在线's 阿根廷 Program is located in Buenos Aires, 阿根廷 through 节目提供者CEA. 每年春季学期学生都参加这个密集的活动 西班牙语 language and Latin American cultural immersion 程序.



The Latinx Student Association (LXSA) educates individuals in and outside of the Aquinas Campus about the Latinx culture, helps Latino students find their voice within the AQ community and beyond, mentors Latino youth, and promotes and participates in community 服务遍及校园和大急流城社区.



Our 西班牙语-speaking cultural immersion includes academic opportunities, study away and service-learning trips as well as student club activities and a rich variety of opportunities to engage in 西班牙语-speaking cultural experiences in the Grand Rapids area.




Check out the current and past research that Aquinas students do with faculty to further 世界的知识.阅读更多关于学生研究的内容



Majoring or minoring in French is a way for students to develop the global knowledge and expertise that are increasingly valued in the marketplace. 熟练掌握一秒 language is in itself a valuable skill, but students gaining that proficiency will also learn to gain new perspectives on other cultures, as well as on American culture 和实践.

The following is a list of career possibilities for language majors and minors. It is by no means exhaustive, but is to suggest potential areas for future employment. The World Language 部门 faculty strongly encourage students to discuss their ideas concerning post-graduate employment 与教授 within and outside the department.

  • International business (import/export; multinational corporations)
  • 国际银行
  • 国际法和公司法
  • 国际咨询
  • 国际机构工作人员
  • U.S. 外国服务
  • 旅行 & 旅游业
  • 社会服务机构
  • 解释
  • 翻译
  • Education (primary, secondary, college; bilingual education)
  • Writing (journalism; technical writing)
  • 市场营销
  • 研究
  • 图书馆 & 信息科学
  • U.S. 海关 & 移民

职业就业和工资- 2022年5月

就业 estimate and mean wage estimates for Interpreters and Translators:

就业 平均时薪 平均年薪
52,160 $29.68 $61,730


百分位 10% 25% 50% 75% 90%
每小时工资 $16.13 $19.92 $25.79 $35.30 $44.78
年度工资 $33,540 $41,440 $53,640 $73,430 $93,140

更多信息请参见: 劳工统计局




After English, 西班牙语 is the most widely spoken language in the United States and, 当然,是我们大陆上使用最广泛的语言.



AQ grads are thankful for the small class sizes that allow them to form personal relationships 与教授.